About Giantform 關於吉亨興業股份有限公司 Giantform in I-Lan county is about 95KM from Taipei in the north-east Taiwan. Facing Pacific Ocean and surrounded by mountains, I-Lan is green world with plenty of rain and natural resources. Cold and hot springs are also two features of I-Lan. What a paradise I-Lan is! 吉亨興業股份有限公司位於台灣東北角的宜蘭縣內, 與台北約距95公里. 宜蘭是一面朝太平洋及四周環山有著充沛雨量及天然資源的綠色縣市, 而冷泉和溫泉也是宜蘭縣的兩大特色. 宜蘭縣是一個多麼棒的地方阿 Since 1991, Giantform has started making single jersey with super stretch for garments, sport wear, swimming suits or a bonding material with film or rubber and so far. 自西元1991年起, 吉亨興業股份有限公司開始製造超彈性的單面伸縮性布料. 用於衣著. 運動衣. 泳裝或黏接PU薄膜或橡膠等. The backgrounds of Giantform staffs have chemistry, mechanics, financial and management, etc., so we work as team. Giantform has 36 people with a current capital amount of more than us $10M. The total area is about 13,000 sq.m., including 1,200 sq.m. for office and 7,000 sq. m. for factories. 吉亨公司擁有36位傑出員工, 有化工. 機械. 財務金融及企業管理等人才, 是一個 陣容堅強的工作團隊. 目前的資本額超過壹億元, 公司總面積約13,000平方公尺, 包含1,200平方公尺的辦公處及7,000平方公尺的廠房. Under the leadership of our chairman, Mr. P.H. Chang, Giantform becomes stable because all staff always use intelligence, joy and diligence at work. We understand teamwork like the crab legs makes the difference, so the crab stands for the spirit of Giantform in reality. 我們在張平和董事長的領導下,吉亨公司更形穩定發展, 因為我們在工作上是秉 持以智幹.樂幹及實幹的精神. 我們了解團隊工作就如螃蟹的8隻腳一樣, 須和 諧一致, 所以螃蟹象徵著吉亨的精神. Giantform confidently insist on making the best quality to serve customers, and we determined to establish the cooperation with the reliable firms in the field to make the idea come true soon. 吉亨公司一向堅持製造最好的品質來服務客戶, 且我們想要與有誠信的公司 建立合作關係, 使能在這專業領域裡實現各自的理想.